Norsk nok?
Diskriminering av jobbsøkere med etnisk minoritetsbakgrunn er godt dokumentert. Hvilke strategiske grep bør jobbsøkere med denne bakgrunnen ta i møtet med arbeidsgiver?
Diskriminering av jobbsøkere med etnisk minoritetsbakgrunn er godt dokumentert. Hvilke strategiske grep bør jobbsøkere med denne bakgrunnen ta i møtet med arbeidsgiver?
Mangfoldsledelse har slått an hos flere bedrifter, og blir undersøkt i en ny rapport. Men hva betyr det egentlig?
"Shell guys don't marry dumb blondes," says the visiting speaker.
Last year, we spent Ramadan in Oman for the first time in a decade. I'll be honest enough to admit that initially, I was less than enthusiastic at the prospect. Combining end of year farewells, busy preparations for summer leave and a hectic schedule with 40 degrees, altered opening hours and no food or drink in public seemed exhausting.
We are hardwired to think our own normal is, well, normal. This includes what we see as polite.
Wondering how to decode and understand instructions and feedback in a Norwegian office? Read on.
Planning to learn Norwegian? Here are some common things to watch out for as a native English speaker learning Norwegian.
How much Norwegian does your child need to speak to attend a Norwegian school? Here is what you can expect if you enroll your child in a public school in Norway.
As a skilled migrant, it will statistically take you longer to secure relevant employment compared to a native-born. You are also statistically more likely to work in a role you're formally overqualified for. Why?
I can't help but wonder what it must have been like in an inland Omani village, before tourists and resident expats arrived on weekend day trips, before all the comforts and amenities of modern society were available.