International Dual Careers Research and Resources

In 2004, I resigned as an anthropology lead with a Norwegian company in India to join my new husband in Oman, where he lived and worked. 

I was sure about the marriage and the new host country, but I was less sure about the work opportunities for me. Little did I know that it would be 8 years, another 3 countries, 3 babies, and a stress-induced hospitalization until I found a way to grow my career as a high-mobility corporate expat partner. 

I had help, support, and advice from fantastic people who had walked that road before me. I found inspiration in fellow expat partners who walked alongside me. This website is Paying It Forward. 

You can read more about how this all started in this blog post.

The blog features a portfolio of texts, and you'll find research (summarized and linked), and resources on international dual careers here (note: the 'research and resources' page is still under construction and will be published as soon as it is ready-ish).